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Chicken Meatballs


The chef at Griggstown farm uses Free Range Chicken, eggs, panko bread crumbs, imported parmesan cheese, white wine, parsley, water, lemon juice, salt, spices, and garlic for these sure to please meatballs. You should always have a pack waiting in the freezer- toss in your favorite sauce or just bake or pan fry these for a stand alone protein. 

8 per pack.

The chef at Griggstown farm uses Free Range Chicken, eggs, panko bread crumbs, imported parmesan cheese, white wine, parsley, water, lemon juice, salt, spices, and garlic for these sure to please meatballs. You should always have a pack waiting in the freezer- toss in your favorite sauce or just bake or pan fry these for a stand alone protein. 

8 per pack.

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