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Black Hawk Farm American Wagyu Burger - 4 Pack


2 lbs

Sourced from the pristine pastures of Kentucky's Blackhawk farm, their American Wagyu beef is renowned for its rich marbling, resulting in a burger that's not only exceptionally juicy, but also infused with a buttery tenderness. Each bite is a celebration of superior taste, offering a luxurious experience that transcends the ordinary. Whether you're hosting a barbecue or craving a gourmet burger at home, Blackhawks, American, Wagyu burgers, delivering unmatched indulgence, setting a new standard for premium beef enjoyment

Sourced from the pristine pastures of Kentucky's Blackhawk farm, their American Wagyu beef is renowned for its rich marbling, resulting in a burger that's not only exceptionally juicy, but also infused with a buttery tenderness. Each bite is a celebration of superior taste, offering a luxurious experience that transcends the ordinary. Whether you're hosting a barbecue or craving a gourmet burger at home, Blackhawks, American, Wagyu burgers, delivering unmatched indulgence, setting a new standard for premium beef enjoyment

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